A Church Where Healing, Grace, and Community Flourish in Bakersfield

Welcome to Breakthrough Ministries of Bakersfield, a warm and inviting community of believers dedicated to the full gospel and the transformative power of God's healing and grace in our lives. Led by our devoted pastors, David and Victoria Cope, who bring a wealth of experience from their thirty years in ...

Impacting Community Through Faith and Unconditional Love

Our mission extends beyond the walls of our church building. We are actively seeking to make a lasting impact on our community through the powerful tools of prayer and meaningful activities. Our commitment to growth is not just about numbers; it's about growing together in faith and making a positive difference ...
Empowering Lives Through Faith

Breakthrough Ministries of Bakersfield is a vibrant and newer addition to Bakersfield's spiritual landscape. Guided by the seasoned leadership of Senior Pastors David and Victoria Cope, who bring a wealth of 30 years in ministry, our mission is clear: to guide individuals towards a breakthrough from addictions. We firmly believe in the transformative power of Jesus Christ and His deliverance.

In a world where challenges seem insurmountable, we are here to provide hope, support, and a path to liberation. Join us on this journey of faith, where we celebrate victories over addiction and embrace the healing power of Christ. Your breakthrough awaits, and together, with the support of our community, we can overcome any obstacle in the name of Jesus.

"But Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him Be Glory Both Now and Forever! Amen." - 2Peter 3:18

Share your thoughts, aspirations, or concerns, and let's navigate this journey of faith together. Your message is more than just words; it's a catalyst for connection, growth, and positive change. We look forward to hearing from you and being a part of your incredible journey with Breakthrough Ministries.